Terms of Use

Terms of Use

By accessing this website, you are agreeing to adhere to the specified terms of use.

You are consenting to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts to handle any disputes arising from this legal notice. If you disagree with these terms, refrain from using this website.

All activities on this website are governed by Scots law and the jurisdiction of Scottish courts. The content within this website is intended solely for individuals within Scotland and is not designed for use in other locations. Anyone choosing to access this website from outside Scotland is responsible for compliance with relevant laws.

Copyright for the original material on lgbteducation.scot belongs to the Scottish Government, and all rights are reserved. Copyright for material owned or created by third party organisations and hosted on lgbteducation.scot belongs to the third party organisation, and all rights are reserved. This is identifiable via third party logos alongside the material. 

This site’s content is managed by Time for Inclusive Education on behalf of the Scottish Government. The technological and digital elements of the website are managed and maintained by Arktouros Site Specialists.

You are permitted to read, print, and download this website’s contents for professional educational non-profit purposes only. Commercial use of any content from this website is prohibited. Academic or research use of this website’s contents requires consent from the copyright owner. Material on lgbteducation.scot is used for professional educational and not-for-profit use.

Lgbteducation.scot hosts professional services solely intended for teachers and school staff in Scotland, including an E-Learning professional learning module (Stage 1) and a schools toolkit. The Scottish Government owns the intellectual property for the content and material within this module and toolkit, except where third party materials are clearly linked or signposted to. It is prohibited to republish the material within this module or toolkit in any format as it is intended only for professional and educational purposes. Teachers and school staff accessing this module are permitted to download material for professional use only.

The information and content on this website may be modified or updated without prior notice. Resources or services described here may be enhanced or updated at any time without prior notification.

Lgbteducation.scot site managers shall not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this website. When external links are present on this website, The Scottish Government and site managers do not endorse or take responsibility for the content or usage of those linked websites. Site managers are not liable for any loss or damage attributed to your use or reliance on content, products, or services available through linked websites. It’s important to recognise that external websites are separate from lgbteducation.scot, and site managers lack control over their content.

Site managers retain the right to modify the terms of use at any time by updating this page. Any new terms will be displayed on the website. By continuing to use and access the website following such changes, you are agreeing to the revised terms.

When utilising and accessing this website, you are prohibited from engaging in actions that unlawfully damage or impede accessibility to the site. Any fraudulent or harmful behaviour is strictly forbidden. Employing this website to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish, or distribute software-damaging material is prohibited. Systematic or automated data collection related to this website is not allowed. Unsolicited transmission of commercial communications through this website is not permitted. Posting or transmitting unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise illegal material on or from this site is prohibited.

The lgbteducation.scot platform has enhanced security and isolated servers. You should not, however, submit confidential information through this platform including via contact or feedback forms.

Privacy Policy

This website is intended to provide information about LGBT Inclusive Education in Scotland and host professional resources and services. It is owned by the Scottish Government. Third party copyright exceptions are set out in the Terms of Use.


If you use this website to create a User Profile, the information that you provide will be stored locally on lgbteducation.scot. You can access your profile to edit or amend your information. If you want to delete your User Profile, this can be achieved by emailing [email protected]


If you use this website to subscribe for an email newsletter, then the information which you provide via the form will be stored by site managers Time for Inclusive Education. This information will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act and used only to send you news updates via email about LGBT Inclusive Education in Scotland. The details which you provide on the newsletter sign up form will not be shared with any third parties. You can request for your details to be removed from the newsletter database by emailing [email protected] at any time. Your details will be removed from the newsletter database and you will receive no further correspondence.


If you use this website to contact with an enquiry or to book a service, the information which you provide via the Contact Form will be stored by site managers Time for Inclusive Education and/or Arktouros through their email servers in order to respond to your enquiry. This information will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act and your personal details will not be shared with any third parties.


This website automatically gathers standard statistical web page browsing information from users on this website using basic cookies and a web analytics service provided by Google Analytics for evaluation purposes. This information is used for the purpose of recording the number of separate user visits to this website over a period of time, the number of users who have completed E-Learning modules over a period of time, the demographics (e.g. local authority setting) of users who have completed E-Learning modules over a period of time, the number of times that individual web pages within this website have been visited over a period of time, and the number of times that individual resources hosted within this website have been downloaded over a period of time. 


Analytical information may be shared with the Scottish Government and education stakeholders including Scottish local authorities for evaluation purposes.